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I ordered the Brown size 7.5. Purchased these for my granddaughter. She loves them and they are super cute.
I wasn't sure if I would be able to wear these booties,because of a foot surgery I had. Bought them anyway. I'm so glad I did. They are very comfy, perfect fit,and so darn cute!
The taupe color of these mini boots is so pretty. They are stylish and fit perfectly. Canโt wait to wear! Donโt hesitate to to purchase. Price canโt be beat.
very cute can't wait for weather to wear them
Love the booties - ordered all 3 colors since my daughter and I wear the same size. Sadly the dark brown ran a tad shorter than the others - enough that it bothered my toes hitting the inside front - but I kept them because my daughterโs feet are a hair shorter and she will wear them. Overall a great dupe at a great price. Definitely size up if youโre a 1/2 size though.